Brian's Cognigen Blog

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

I've been involved in different businesses for 20 years. If I knew then (as they say) I'd have retired by the time I was 20. Now my mission is to allow other people to learn from my mistakes.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Traffic Exchanges and Safe Lists

I've seen too many people give up on their dreams of freedom and believe they can't make it with network marketing and MLM and just go on working 40 hours a week. So I decided to review the promotion options I've found and write about what I find.
Today, I'll cover start page exchanges and safe lists. I used MPAM a program that makes a lot of Start Page/Traffic Exchanges and safe lists work together to create a self generating traffic engine. I have to say that for someone who doesn't know a lot about creating traffic on the internet, this is a great learning tool. It only took a few hours to set up and a few hours a week to keep it going.
However, I don't believe it created very many sales and I could've used those hours more productively. Now, I'm sure it will work for certain products much better than it does for Cognigen's Telecom Offerings.
So the review is mixed on this. If you have more time than money, and you want to learn the basics of generating traffic, then by all means, do it. If you have very little time and want to create sales and recruits, then there are faster options that cost a little bit of money. You can do Pay Per Click (PPC) search engines, Google Adwords, Leads from Traffic Oasis and more. I'll be covering Traffic Oasis next, since it has impressed me the most with the quality of leads and generic training and the fact that it creates a second income stream.


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