Brian's Cognigen Blog

This is where you'll find ideas and tips to build a Cognigen Network Marketing Business that will work for most companies.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

I've been involved in different businesses for 20 years. If I knew then (as they say) I'd have retired by the time I was 20. Now my mission is to allow other people to learn from my mistakes.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Welcome To TrafficOasis: Discover The World's #1 Lead Source

Welcome To TrafficOasis: Discover The World's #1 Lead Source
Hope your 4th of July was as great as mine. We spent the day at my mother-in-laws and had a great time. The fireworks were excellent.

I just received the below great news via e-mail and I'm really happy. You have to love it when something that's already great is improved to this level.

NEW TrafficOasis's package A: E-mail leads improved in quantity and quality!

We are excited to announce that our monthly package E-mail leads now have
full data, including physical address as well! The more fields prospects have
to fill out to opt-in the more responsive they usually are.

Besides that we have increased our monthly E-mail leads quantity as well with
25 so from now on you will receive 175 E-mail leads every month instead of 150.
(If you are an E-mail lead user of coarse)

Now I'm taking off to look for a new house in Reno. The market is so good that we decided to sell our condo and buy a house. Wish us luck.