Brian's Cognigen Blog

This is where you'll find ideas and tips to build a Cognigen Network Marketing Business that will work for most companies.

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Location: Reno, Nevada, United States

I've been involved in different businesses for 20 years. If I knew then (as they say) I'd have retired by the time I was 20. Now my mission is to allow other people to learn from my mistakes.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Roundup Some Free Traffic to Your Website. Free Advertising with

Roundup Some Free Traffic to Your Website. Free Advertising with

I had just about given up on Traffic Exchanges until Kevin Anderson the founder of Cognigen recommended one recently. I figured if he was recommending a site that I should go back to my dusty bookmark folder and start testing them again. Traffic Roundup was one of my favorites back in the day so it was on my list to try. I've been using it (again)for a few weeks and the results are pretty good.
Here's the reason I recommend it.
15 second timer instead of 30 like most.
Trade credits for banner impressions 1 credit equals 60 banners.

A bit of advice if you're going to use a Traffic Exchange.
Use Firefox or Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer. It's just safer.
Advertise a newsletter sign up or products. Most people on exchanges already have a primary business.

A side benefit of surfing is that you get to read other sites and learn what they are writing. If you figure out good web design, your success rate will go up.

Happy Surfing


PS if you happen to so my Proven MLM Training newsletter in your surfing, let me know what you think.